Friday, October 11, 2013

week 37 winners

Here are @midnightsun1901's answers to my judgey questions.

1. To keep writing regardless of how much you think your writing sucks. Your writing will improve the more you write, trust me. If you're ever feeling doubtful about your writing then compare something you've written now, to something you wrote a year ago, and you'll be amazed at the difference in quality.

2. The first book I fell in love with was probably Harry Potter, which I read as a child. I was intrigued by the magic present throughout the book and felt a connection to the characters that has stayed with me even now. The last book was Jane Eyre, which I found very interesting.

3. Cars are racing by at irregular intervals and trees dance in the wind against the stark contrast of the clear sky.

4. Ignore the judgements of others.

5. To the Tudor court during the reign of King Henry VIII, temporarily of course. It would be interesting to see the fashion, attitudes and behaviour of the people of that time. 

@ladylibre - 
1st place:
The description in this is incredible and paints a very beautiful and wistful picture. You’ve portrayed the emotions of your characters to an excellent standard and the writing is of very high quality. 

@AnnaLund2011 -
3rd place:
The emotions conveyed in this piece of writing are raw and relatable, and the bitterness makes the whole piece rather sad. It is very easy to sympathise with the character, even having not heard their full story.

@no-name-given ;) - I love your interpretation of the prompt. The hope weaved throughout this is very appealing and allows your story to continue even after the words have stopped.  

@Pinkcookie - You’ve written this really well, and I liked the coincidence that occurred.

@Shneezles -
2nd place:
The guy in this sounds so sweet, and you genuinely made me feel sad over the fact that not only did the main character ignore him, but it was too late when she finally did notice him. Your description is also great.

@femme_mal - This is very well written and I love the characters’ transition from being constrained to feeling free.

@hummingbirdff - I love your use of character development and the ending made me smile.


Congratulations @ladylibre!

Thank you to @midnightsun1901 for judging, and to everyone who participated.

See you next week.

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